Major Updates to the Job Ready Program!

Have you completed or are you studying a trade qualification (e.g. Certificate IV in Kitchen Management, Certificate III in Jewellery Manufacture or Diploma of Dental Technology)? Are you planning on obtaining a full skills assessment from Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) via their Job Ready Program (JRP)?
You’re in luck! TRA has announced several significant JRP changes that will streamline the skills assessment process from 1 July 2023! The JRP is an employment-based skills assessment program that allows you to gain practical experience while working towards a full skills assessment, which is often required for permanent residency skilled visa applications.
Here’s a summary of some of these major updates:
- A Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) is now required before applying for the JRP, but you no longer need 360 hours of work experience or to be the primary holder of a Student visa to obtain the PSA
- The PSA is valid for 3 years from the date of the PSA outcome and applicantscan use that entire duration to complete their JRP
- Following the PSA, the usual 3 stages of the JRP apply:
1) Job Ready Employment (JRE)
2) Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA)
3) Job Ready Final Assessment (JRFA)
- At least 12 months of full-time paid employment (of an average of 38 hours per week) or part-time equivalent is required as part of the JRP
- The 12-month work period commences from the JRE start date (usually the date you submit your JRE application)
- Agents (such as us) can now assist you through all stages of the JRP
- Visa documents are no longer required to apply for the JRP, but applicants are expected to maintain a valid visa with work rights to live and work in Australia
I understand, so how can I fulfill my dream of staying on in Australia?
We will be more than happy to assist you! Just get in touch with our friendly team via our website. Once you do that, sit back and relax as we guide you through the entire process of applying for the relevant visas!
DISCLAIMER: Content in this article does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice and must not be relied upon as such. The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only. Please consult an Australian MARA registered agent or Australian Lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. Stay updated with migration news by subscribing to us!