Marshalane Escorpion

Senior Legal Assistant

Education Background

Marsh Escorpion graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines, in 2018. Her choice of study was fuelled by a keen interest in political systems, government structures, and their societal impacts. The course provided her with valuable insights into international relations and global governance, enhancing her understanding of the dynamics of international cooperation.

Work History

Marsh's professional journey includes roles in both private and governmental institutions, contributing across Legal, Human Resources, and Administration departments. These positions have allowed her to develop a versatile skill set and a comprehensive understanding of legal compliance, employee relations, and administrative processes. Since 2022, Marsh has been engaged in the field of Australian visas, where her background in legal frameworks and compliance is invaluable in navigating the complexities of Australian immigration regulations and visa application processes.


Marsh is a passionate badminton player, finding the sport a constant source of physical activity and enjoyment. She also engages in indoor cycling, which she is a great way to relieve stress. Additionally, Marsh explores her creative side through classes in styling and fashion design, allowing her to express her artistic tendencies and expand her personal and professional horizons.

What Motivates You

Marsh is motivated by the significant impact her work in the Australian migration industry has on individuals and families aspiring for a better future. She finds great fulfilment in guiding clients through the daunting Australian migration process, providing support and clarity. The opportunity to positively influence their lives and assist them in realising their dreams is what drives her to excel in her role.

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