Maricris Macabanti

Quality & Development Officer

Education Background

Maricris Macabanti graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management in 2021. Throughout her university years, she was actively involved in several student organisations, taking on roles that significantly enhanced her practical skills and shaped her into the well-rounded individual she is today.

Work History

Maricris has spent most of her career in the legal sector, a path not commonly followed in her family. She prides herself on her organisational skills, which include meticulous planning and systematic execution— traits that she finds invaluable in her legal career. Additionally, she enjoys the challenges that push her to step out of her comfort zone, further developing her professional capabilities.


Maricris finds balance in her life through various activities. On some days, she enjoys taking walks in the park and watching the sunset, finding peace in nature’s simplicity. On other days, she prefers staying indoors, binge-watching TV shows with her family, embracing the comfort of her home.

What Motivates You?

Maricris is deeply motivated by the positive impact her work has on the lives of the firm’s clients. Working at Maison Chen Law Group, she relishes the opportunity to push her limits and grow amidst a team of passionate and intelligent colleagues. The privilege of contributing to a firm that significantly betters the lives of its clients is a source of great pride and inspiration for her.

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